Matt Welty and I first met at a Dungeons and Dragons game (2nd Ed Advanced DnD I think) in 1988. I’d recently moved to Orange County from Kentucky and did

n’t have a lot of friends. I didn’t realize at the time how much the culture shock was hitting me. All the societal rules I’d grown up with were different in Orange County. I didn’t have my familiar group of geek friends to hang out with on the weekends, or the track and cross country team to make me feel like a part of a team.
The first thing I do when I move to a new city is find the local comic and hobby store to seek out people I can immediately understand. In this case it was a store on El Toro Rd called Comic Quest. I’d managed to befriend and game with a couple of the employees when the owner, Rich Grinnel, invited me to an after-hours ADnD game at the store. I was stoked, though I probably didn’t know what ‘stoked’ was at the time.